Shop Notes – Building a new Tesla Coil for upcoming telluric experiments.
In prep for the upcoming through-the-ground communications experiments this month, I spent the last couple days fabricating a large Tesla Coil secondary out of UHMW polyethylene. Target frequency is just above the 160m HAM radio band, so about 2-2.4mc Using RG316 coax cable since it is silver coated and has a quite large surface area.…
AT5k Antenna Tuner modding
On the advice of Adrian Marsh, I modded my 3kw antenna tuner. Basically I needed a way to bypass all of the tuning elements on one of the outputs to make it easier to tune Tesla Coils with it. By adding a vacuum relay I am able to use one of the pushbuttons on the…
It is finished (‘Borehole to Hell’ project)
It took a few weeks, but the project is finally done. Total depth: 27ft, with 14ft beneath the water table. The last few feet were the worst (aren’t they always), with the last 4ft being painstaking hammered with a ground-rod driver and sledgehammer. Overall a good learning experience though, and now I know how I…
‘Star in a jar’, Tesla Brush Bulb tested under high voltage RF
Taken a few days ago at the ESTC conference in Spokane.
ESTC Post-conference Debrief
Aaron Murakami’s Energy Science Technology Conference finished up yesterday, so I thought I’d do a play-by-play on my experience of it this year, while it was still fresh. https://energyscienceconference.com/2022-conference-schedule/ Because I was speaking this year, the whole event felt more like work, but more satisfying because I was confident people would be able to make…